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panic disorder

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panic attack....

Panic disorder is a real illness that can be successfully treated. It's characterized by sudden attacks of terror, usually accompanied by a pounding heart, sweatiness, weakness, faintness, or dizziness.

During these attacks, people with panic disorder may flush or feel chilled; their hands may tingle or feel numb & they may experience nausea, chest pain, or smothering sensations.

Panic attacks usually produce a sense of unreality, a fear of impending doom, or a fear of losing control.

impending doom... it's not good no matter what

A fear of one's own unexplained physical symptoms is also a symptom of panic disorder.

People having panic attacks sometimes believe they're having heart attacks, losing their minds, or on the verge of death.

dread, an extreme fear or apprehension...

They can't predict when or where an attack will occur & between episodes many worry intensely & dread the next attack.

Panic attacks can occur at any time, even during sleep. An attack usually peaks within 10 minutes, but some symptoms may last much longer.

Panic disorder affects about 6 million American adults1 & is twice as common in women as men.2 Panic attacks often begin in late adolescence or early adulthood,2 but not everyone who experiences panic attacks will develop panic disorder.

Many people have just one attack & never have another. The tendency to develop panic attacks appears to be inherited.3

People who have full-blown, repeated panic attacks can become very disabled by their condition & should seek treatment before they start to avoid places or situations where panic attacks have occurred.

i.e., if a panic attack happened in an elevator, someone with panic disorder may develop a fear of elevators that could affect the choice of a job or an apartment & restrict where that person can seek medical attention or enjoy entertainment.

Some people's lives become so restricted that they avoid normal activities, such as grocery shopping or driving. About 1/3 become housebound or are able to confront a feared situation only when accompanied by a spouse or other trusted person. 2

When the condition progresses this far, it's called agoraphobia, or fear of open spaces.

Early treatment can often prevent agoraphobia, but people with panic disorder may sometimes go from doctor to doctor for years & visit the emergency room repeatedly before someone correctly diagnoses their condition.

This is unfortunate, because panic disorder is one of the most treatable of all the anxiety disorders, responding in most cases to certain kinds of medication or certain kinds of cognitive psychotherapy, which help change thinking patterns that lead to fear & anxiety.

Panic disorder is often accompanied by other serious problems, such as depression, drug abuse, or alcoholism.4,5 These conditions need to be treated separately. Symptoms of depression include feelings of sadness or hopelessness, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, low energy & difficulty concentrating.

Most people with depression can be effectively treated with antidepressant medications, certain types of psychotherapy, or a combination of the two.

source: NIMH

panic disorder

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panic disorder... learn about it!

panic disorder

What Exactly Is Happening to My Body during a Panic Attack
By Lindsay Kiriakos, M.D.
Panic attacks are very uncomfortable, but they are not dangerous. They are produced by a firing of your body’s “fight or flight” response system, also known as the sympathetic nervous system. This response is supposed to happen when you are confronted by a lion or a bear. In fact, if you were confronted by a lion or a bear, you wouldn’t even notice you were having a panic attack, because you’d be more concerned about escaping. But because your body is firing off this response when there is not a lion or a bear around, your mind jumps to the false conclusion that you must be dying or going crazy. (Most people don’t know about panic attacks, so it makes sense that they would initially make this mistake).

Despite the intense discomfort, panic attacks are actually not harmful. In fact, during a panic attack you are at your peak ability to fight or run away. When you think about it, all of the panic attack symptoms make sense in this context. Your heart beats fast so you can pump more blood to your muscles and brain. You start breathing fast to you can get more oxygen to your muscles and brain. Your muscles tense up in preparation for you to use them. You start sweating to cool down your body. Your pupils dilate to get in more light, which can be perceived as spots in your vision. In addition, all of your non-essential organ systems power down so you can focus on running or fighting. In particular, your gastrointestinal system (throat, stomach, and intestines) powers down – which can lead to nausea, a choking sensation/lump in the throat (also known as globus), abdominal pains, constipation, and/or diarrhea. For a fair number of patients, these gastrointestinal symptoms, which are just side effects of powering down, are actually the main symptoms they experience during a panic attack.

panic disorder

All of this stuff is meant to get you ready to fight or run away. But if you don’t fight or run away, you will get even more symptoms which are still not harmful, but can be even more uncomfortable. For example, if you don’t use up your increased muscle tension, your body will start to shake. In addition, if you hyperventilate (breathe fast) for too long, without using up the extra oxygen, you will get rid of so much carbon dioxide that you will get tingling/numbness in the fingertips, a feeling of dizziness or lightheadedness, and the sensation of depersonalization (where your body feels like it’s not your own) or derealization (where the world seems like it’s not real).
The hyperventilation is usually unnoticeable while you’re anxious because it can be quite subtle and takes a few minutes to build up. Of note, there is nothing actually dangerous about this hyperventilation or these symptoms. In fact, oyster hunters hyperventilate on purpose before they go underwater, because once they get the tingling/lightheaded symptoms, they can usually hold their breath for 2-5 minutes.

Oddly enough, when you measure the vital signs of a person who is actually having a panic attack, their heart rate and blood pressure do not change very much, despite the intense feelings. For example, their heart rate on average usually just rises by 5 beats per minute, and their blood pressure usually just rises 5 millimeters of mercury on average for both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. These are all relatively mild changes. So, your body is getting ready to fight or run away, and it feels like it’s fully active, but it’s actually not even nearly as active as if you fought or ran away for real.

panic disorder... learn about it!

panic disorder

Panic Attacks: This Truth Will Set You Free
By Dr Jeannette Kavanagh
Unlike far too many people on the Internet, I don’t claim to have discovered THE CURE for panic attacks & other anxiety states. I do offer you a beautifully simple insight into panic which will change your reaction to it. Immediately you’ll start you on the path to calm. The insight?

“Accept your panic symptoms & ….they’ll go. Fight them & they’ll intensify.”

Look at that word ‘INTENSify’. It’s about TENSing up. Becoming worried & even more panicky about….what? Your feelings of panic. Once you really genuinely realize that they’re only feelings, you’ll also come to accept that feeling alone can’t harm you.

Yes, I know you don’t want them.

Yes, I know that they're frightening & uncomfortable.

But tell me this, my sweet one, “in the past, has tensing up & worrying even more about feeling panicky helped those feelings to dissipate?” Your answer? I know it’s NO.

Just so you’re very clear: tensing up & fighting your symptoms of panic help didn't help in the past. It'll NOT HELP YOU today. Tensing up & worrying will not help you in the future.

One person selling his e-book on the Internet claims that that 'float with your panic' insight is his unique discovery to send panic away. The truth? The truth is that we’ve known for decades that instead of fighting panic & tensing up, you must do the opposite.
More than 3 decades ago, the Australian General Practitioner the late Dr Claire Weekes advised people that instead of fighting panic & tensing up, they should float into their panic & welcome it like an old friend.

From my counselling practice, I know that you know there’s nothing to fear. At a rational level. At an emotional level, you still feel overwhelmed. For many of you, the fact that you can’t explain why you feel so terrified is often the most upsetting.

Once you accept that there is no real danger, you’ll see that your real & lingering fear IS THE FEAR OF THE PANICKY FEELINGS. If you let those inappropriate messages of fear come & do their worst, you’d learn how to send those fears packing.

So to summarize: When your pulse races, your heart pounds, do the opposite of what you normally do. Do this:



even though you mightn’t want to

B R E A T H E… D E E P L Y…

O B S E R V E…


Just as the grass and the trees sway with the wind, rather than rigidly resist it, let your fear feelings come. Then, just observe what happens as if watching a science experiment.

You might want to practice that simple approach at home a few times. You’ll soon see how well it works. I know you can make yourself feel great fear. Bring back those memories of your last panic episode. Right now. Recall every detail. Feel those fear symptoms & now…. just accept them.

That’s right. I’m not saying TRY to do anything. I’m not saying try to relax. I’m not saying try to divert yourself from your fear-filled thoughts.

I am saying – do absolutely nothing. Accept your feelings.

If you normally use various tricks to divert you from the intense feelings of fear, please reconsider that tactic. It may help in the short term, but all those tactics (counting backwards, counting bricks, etc), keep you imprisoned in what Dr R Reid Wilson calls ‘the panic cycle’.
They can become habits, and as difficult to break as the panic cycle itself. Please visit Dr Wilson’s wonderful website for more information: anxieties.com

When you recognise your role in your own panic episodes, you’re 90% closer to the solution, to a life without panic attacks. Next time you feel the first fluttering of fear & panic follow the simple steps above.

If you’ve been experiencing anxiety & panic for a while, I have to let you know that it’s your fear of the fear-filled symptoms that feed your panic. You are a major part of your problem. But you’re also the total solution.

As I point out in my self help e-kit Calming Words, if you feel terrified standing in that queue at the supermarket, or sitting in the middle of the row at the cinema, the feelings you feel are fine. They’re a perfect reaction to…danger. Where none exists.

Your mind sent the wrong message “danger, danger” to your body. Your body has then had the right reaction to that danger message – it’s sent the adrenaline surging to get you out of danger. To end with the good news: those messages can be rewritten, re-learned. That’s why I wrote Calming Words (www.calmingwords.com)!

panic disorder

Panic Disorder...
kathleen howe
I added the above article for one reason only. The "truth" will set you free from Panic Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Depression & most other mental illnesses. For it's our pain relived over & over again that originated from some sort of deception, deliberate untruth or misunderstanding that causes these illnesses. Pain. We can't bear it. Internally we are worn down, we are tried over and over in our grief at the expectations of those who aren't compassionate, empathetic and understanding. It is unrelenting pain that causes our basic chemical balance to become uneven, unbalanced and deteriorates our perfectly designed systems to become broken beyond repair.
Nothing is as freeing & liberating than the truth. Fear can be left at the wayside; doubt, uncertainty & unfaithfulness can be excluded from our minds completely. All we need is truth to set our minds and our heart free from the control of others, pain, and irreversible damage. In my own personal growth & recovery efforts, my goal has become to live a life based in truth. For from that point, in all truthfulness, everything else will naturally be guided into its rightful place.

panic disorder

What's easier to guide your way by? If you live by truth - you live by healthfulness for it's truthfully the only way to live. If you live by truth, you live to give to others & receive your rewards thereof. If you live by truth you can see what's good & what's evil. If you live by truth, you can be who you need to be truthfully. It's the utmost shining example of what we can be - being truthful - that is.
It's by truth that you can feel safety. It's by truth you can realize if you've found the right person to be life long companions with. It's by truth that we don't delude ourselves into impossibility thinking. It all comes so basically & easily if you just take your life by the sword of truthfulness.
Everything can be basic & simple in your life. No more panic attacks, anxiety & chaos. Truth doesn't contain chaos. It contains only itself. It's glorious to say, "This is a truth..." for how else can you be confident, sure & quick of mind?
If you want to hold no worry, hold only the truth. You'll never worry again. There is no confusion in truth. There's no deception in truth. There's no guessing in truth. It's simply the truth. Once you're only concerned with what's true, you have so much more time & energy for good & positive things to transpire in your life.
Okay, how to get there? That's your journey! That's your own personal journey, down your own personal road to health, wisdom & truth. You'll know it when you get it. You'll see people remove themselves from your friend list. You'll see how many people adhere to truthfulness. You'll see that it isn't an easy road, it's a truthful road. No one can tell you how to get there, you must do what it takes to get there.
But ohhhhh, what a glorious world we'd all enjoy if it were lived by all its people in truth.

panic disorder

I must say that I've suffered thru anxiety (generalized & social), panic attacks, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder, depression, an unusual eating disorder all thru lies, deception, misunderstanding & false knowledge.
Every person in my life who had any significance has been likely affected. I've found thru 5 years of diligent recovery & personal growth work that everything bad revolved around negativity & personal pain.
How can one understand the importance of the truth without an honest example?
If you think hard about it all - there aren't many people that you know in your daily life - who are completely honest people over half of the time. Just think if you only knew people who accepted truth, lived in truth & perpetuated a life to be ruled in truth.... how simple & safe that is. I believe it's clean, it's safe & it's true happiness.
How I long to meet one person that I can be truthful with 100% of the time, I thought some years back, in the beginning of my recovery process. Five years into it, I see this - I'm the only person that I can be truthful with 100% of the time. It's me & me alone.
For who is to say that others are being 100% truthful with you 100% of the time? It doesn't matter if I'm being 100% truthful with my own self. Is it possible to be that? Always true? It's a goal we need to set & learn more every day what we can do to accomplish that goal.
How to get rid of the pain of panic attacks? Only think of the truth. The truth will set your free.

panic disorder... learn about it!

What To Do When You Feel a Panic Attack Coming - Great tips for when you need it the most
By Dr. Lindsay Kiriakos
Notice: The following is presented for informational purposes only. Assessment & treatment should always be directed thru 1-on-1 consultation with a trained professional.

This is one of my favorite questions & obviously one of the most important ones for people who are trying to gain mastery over panic.

There are basically 2 options for what to do when you feel a panic attack coming on.
The 1st is to use a coping technique.
The 2nd is to do an exposure.
And yes, I'll explain what coping techniques & exposures are! But first, let’s start off with my favorite analogy:

The Demon Analogy

Panic disorder can be thought of as a demon. There are 2 ways to fight this particular demon.
The 1st way is to:

Below I'll describe these coping techniques in detail including their pros & cons. But apart from your shield, there's also a 2nd way to fight this particular demon - it turns out that every time you face the demon head on, he gets weaker.

Each time you challenge him, he gets smaller. That is where exposures come in to play. Exposures involve turning the tables on the demon by jumping him, challenging him, and saying “Bring it on. Is that all you’ve got?”

Initially, most coping techniques alone are actually not strong enough to stop a panic attack . For example, you may try relaxation to stop a panic attack but it’s just not working. The demon is so large, that he just swipes your “shield” aside.

However, usually after 1 to 2 months of starting to face the demon (i.e. doing exposures), the demon become so small that the shield techniques finally start working! And after several months of exposures, the demon typically becomes so tiny that he stops coming around at all & eventually dies.

These combined tactics of using your shield & periodically facing the demon head on will help you gain mastery over panic once & for all. If you learn these techniques (in a type of therapy known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) it's very likely that you can eventually enjoy going out with your friends, driving your car, flying overseas & enjoying a sunny day at the beach without having to worry about panic any more.

The Shield (i.e. Coping Techiqnues):

Benzodiazepines (ie Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, Valium): These are usually the most immediately powerful of all of the coping techniques. It usually takes about 20 minutes for benzodiazepines to kick in, and they strong enough to stop and even full blown panic attack. The main drawbacks of these medications are that if you take too much, they can make you tired, and if you take them everyday, you might get used to them after 1-3 months (i.e. they might stop working). In addition, people with a history of addiction problems can get addicted to these medications (although in general, they produce a pretty weak high, so it’s exceedingly rare for a non-addict to become addicted to these drugs). I prescribe benzodiazepines to my patients while they are learning the other coping techniques and starting the exposures. I typically recommend using benzodiazepines on an emergency basis to stop panic attacks, and occasionally I even recommend using benzodiazepines on a regular daily basis for people who are in a chronic state of panic / high anxiety. Although benzodiazepines will not cure panic disorder, they can provide relief while you are engaged in a more definitive treatment (such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) to help you gain complete mastery over panic.

Leaving the Situation: This is one of the strongest coping techniques, but also can eventually lead to problems. Leaving a crowd, pulling over on the side of the road while driving, or avoiding vigorous exercise are examples of leaving the situation. These are effective coping techniques because they can frequently avert a panic attack. However, these techniques have the obvious drawback of encouraging agoraphobia (i.e. the avoidance of activities because of a fear of panic). I would say that leaving a situation is useful, but only if you are also engaging in a definitive treatment to help you gain mastery over your panic disorder.

Relaxation Techniques: It’s hard to stop thinking about something “cold turkey.” It’s easier to stop thinking about something if you replace your thoughts with something else. Relaxation and meditation techniques aim at getting you to stop thinking by giving you an effective distraction to replace your thoughts with. For example, many Buddhist forms of meditation replace your thoughts with a focus on repeated sounds and/or breathing. In addition, various visualization exercises replace your thoughts with vivid imagery. The relaxation techniques I have found to be most effective for panic attacks are 11-muscle relaxation with Abdominal Breathing, Sensation Focusing, and Permission Breath Counting. These are all cognitive-behavioral techniques and they can be found at
PanicMastery.com. I never teach patients just one coping technique because different techniques seem to work for different people. Relaxation techniques initially may not be strong enough to stop a panic attack, but they become much more effective once you have started doing exposures.

Thought Restructuring: This coping technique teaches you ways to stop your anxiety by talking back to it. Thought restructuring is a type of journaling done on paper for 10 minutes a day for 1-2 weeks. After 1-2 weeks, I usually encourage my patients to stop talking back to their thoughts on paper and start doing it in their heads. Much like relaxation techniques, this is a cognitive behavioral therapy technique, it gets better with practice, and it becomes much more effective once you have started exposures.

Thoughts restructuring along with Relaxation Techniques eventually form the two most healthy and permanent parts of your “shield” because they can be used extensively without having the drawbacks of avoiding situations or relying on medications. However, these “shield” techniques are usually not strong enough alone to completely stop panic attacks, most patient need to do exposures.

Facing the demon (i.e. Exposures)

Exposures involve voluntarily bringing on a mild to moderate level of anxiety In other words, exposures show you ways to face the demon, challenge him head on, and kill him once and for all. There are two keys to exposures: 1. They have to be voluntary (which means that you can’t do them all the time, because you won’t always be in the mood) and 2. If you imagine your anxiety from a 0-8 (with 0 being calm and 8 being a panic attack), you want to hit a 4 during any given exposure (because if you go above a 4, the anxiety might get ahead of you and no longer be voluntary and under your control). Exposures are used to gain mastery over any phobia. They work for panic disorder because the core of panic disorder is usually phobia as well: A phobia to certain physical sensations. Whether it’s a racing heart, dizziness, nausea, a choking sensation, or a certain pain, every panic disorder patient has at least one or two physical symptoms that trigger their panic cycle. Exposures show you how to experience these sensations in such a way that you finally stop being triggered by them. After 1-2 months of exposures, most patients find that coping techniques begin to be effective (i.e. the shield actually starts working). Once patient are good at exposures, they can often use them to actually stop a panic attack that is coming on. In other words, once the demon appears, they can turn the tables on the demon, challenge it, and get it to run scared with it’s tale between it’s legs. After several months of exposures, most of my patients become completely panic free (and can usually be taken off on any panic-related medications they have started). Exposures are at the heart of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and they are by far the most useful techniques for killing the Demon and gaining mastery over panic once and for all.

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til' next time! kathleen
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